Saturday, March 31, 2012

So Disappointing... :(

Man, I had a busy day!  I took Chris to work this morning because I had to run errands.  It started with putting gas in the rental car... that's right, I said rental car.  We ended up having the same issue with our NEW car again and took it back to the dealership.  This time, we went closer to home... Classic Chevrolet, who seem to know what they are doing, and we are currently in a loaner car :(  So, after putting gas in the rental car, I went to Walmart and bought some new tupperware.  Long story short... We had to buy ALL NEW tupperware because ours was bad.  I bought some a couple weeks ago, to cover the basic needs, but I went back today to get the rest of what I needed.  After Walmart, I headed to Tom Thumb to get my sisters car registered (she was at a Mary Kay event and it was the last day she could do her registration without being late), and I realized I was in Dallas County... which is a problem because we live in Tarrant County.  So, after that, I ran a few errands (like 5) then went and had lunch with Chris :)  Then, I went to the Tom Thumb in Tarrant County and got Laura's registration before I went home to cut some coupons.  Yes... I am behind AGAIN!  I'm not too far behind, but I am behind.  Anyway, I cut coupons until I had to go to my hair appointment.  I get there... and she was double booked.  SO DISAPPOINTING!  I was really planning on getting my hair recolored and cut! Oh well, I was able to set an appointment for tomorrow!  

On the brighter side, yesterday at school the kids took a quiz and were allowed to draw on the back until everyone was done with their quizzes.  Here is one of my favorite pics!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Allergy Sufferers Unite!

That's what I heard the news reporter say this morning... AND I FEEL IT!  This past weekend, my throat was sore, but I got some rest hoping it would feel better.  And it did.  But this week has been BLAH.  My nose won't stop running, sometimes I feel feverish (I just keep going back and forth between hot and cold), my head sometimes feels congested, I'm coughing gross things up, my eyes are watery, and I'm just tired!

With all that complaining aside, I'm having a nice week at school so far.  With it being the STAAR test this week, the kids are required to be silent.  It's kind of nice to have quiet classes.  I wouldn't want it all the time, but every once in a while is calming.  For now, the echoing in my head is at a minimum!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Bad...

I HAVE TO WARN YOU... This is a long post!

So, I didn't do a very good job of blogging over the rest of my Spring Break because... well... IT FLEW BY!  I ended up being a little busier than I thought I would due to some unexpected wedding planning :)

I knew I was going to look at a couple of places last Wednesday, and I really thought I would end up picking one of them as my venue.  My mom and Melanie went with me.  It was really helpful to have both of them there.  Melanie asks really good questions, and I don't get to see my mom as often as I would like to.  The first place was a nice venue, but it was too far away and the drive there was a little unpleasant.  And by a little... I mean a lot.  The second place was SO BEAUTIFUL!  Looking at it, I was pleased with almost everything... until I found out the price.  It would have cost us WAY too much money.  So, I was a little disappointed because I really thought I was going to find the perfect place that day!  I looked online Wednesday night and ended up finding two more places to look at on Thursday.  My mom and Mel were able to go again, and this time we ended up with my niece and nephew, Madilyn and Braylon, and Madilyn's cousin, Madison.  The first place we went to was a little rustic for my taste.  Melanie really liked it, and it probably would have worked if I couldn't come up with anywhere else... but it just didn't feel quite right.  The second place we went to took my breath away!  It was GORGEOUS!  It is on Lake Grapevine in Southlake which isn't too far away, and the drive there is amazing!  It is surrounded by beautiful mansions... and Madison told my mom she knows they are mansions because they don't have parking lots (too cute!)  So, after discussing it with Chris, I emailed the lady who works there and told her we are in!  She emailed me the contract that we will be turning in soon, so that means .... WE HAVE OUR VENUE PICKED OUT!!!

Needless to say, with both of those days gone, I did not finish sewing all the pieces I wanted to.  I did finish my robe.  I have made it twice before.  The first time was a Christmas gift for my grandma.  I was sort of proud of it, but it was pretty bad.  I mean, you could tell it was a robe, but my Grandma asked my mom if she was supposed to finish it... (I didn't realize it was that bad).  Then, I made it a second time for my sister, Laura.  It looked a lot better, but I still had room for improvement.  I am proud to say that this time was my best so far.  I guess the 3rd time really is the charm!  I'll put some pictures up later.  I also started the baby bunting that I was planning on making for a fellow teacher at school who is a new grandmother, but I didn't have the binding to go around the outside.  I will finish it... maybe this weekend!  

So now, I am back in school.  It's already Friday!  This week flew by... but it was difficult!  Every single day was just SO busy!  We were finishing up a unit over the rock cycle so they would be ready for the test they are taking today (which is why I am able to type this right now), and we just had a lot to cover this week!  I also had a meeting Monday morning (7:30) to update testing accommodations for the upcoming STAAR test, I had a staff meeting on Wednesday morning (7:30) to go over training for the STAAR test, I had an off-campus meeting Wednesday (10:30) for a student at another school, I had another testing update meeting on Thursday (3:50), and I had a parent conference Friday morning (7:30) for one of my little ones who has a bad attitude. And on top of ALL of that... I saw The Hunger Games last night!  I more than LOVED the books, but I didn't love the movie.  I didn't not like it, I just didn't love it as much as the book.

*Side note:  The parent meeting on Thursday after school was a hoot.  We were waiting on the parent to get there.  Well, the counselor walked in with a woman and introduced us all.  There wasn't a lot of conversation exchanged because we were waiting on a translator, but we were able to say hi and small talk of the like.  Well, our other counselor got there so she could translate.  She started talking to the parent, who looked very confused at this point.  Turns out, she wasn't the parent.  She was... wait for it.... a custodian!  The first counselor who brought her back to the conference room saw the woman, asked her if she was "Maria", the woman said yes, so she brought her back.  It was hilarious!!!  She was a new custodian, which is why we didn't recognize her!  She laughed too... I was glad she saw the humor in it too!

Anyway...I ended up getting a new car over the weekend.  It is super cute.  I traded in my SUV for a gas-friendly car that also has a lower payment!  (Have to save for that wedding!)  I got it Saturday, and on Sunday, my check engine came on!  I COULDN'T believe it.  I seriously thought I had gotten a lemon!  But, Chris took it to the dealership for me on Monday, and it turned out that they hadn't tightened the accelerator pedal enough.  I'll show a picture soon!

I will be sure to blog more often so my posts aren't this long every time!  He he.  HAVE AN AMAZING weekend.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ready For This Day to Start!

Alright, so like I said... I want to sew an AVERAGE of one thing per day.  Yesterday, I worked on my robe.  I didn't finish it, but I definitely made good progress.  I mean, if you look at it, you can tell it is a robe!  I probably could've gotten more done, but I still want to relax this week.  So, I plan on finishing it later this evening and then posting pictures!  Then, I will start on my next item... a baby bunting!

Today, I am doing some WEDDING PLANNING!  Well, kind of.  I have been engaged for a few weeks now to a great guy named Chris.  I haven't done a whole lot in terms of planning, but I have been told that one of the most important things to do is find a venue.  So today, my mom, my oldest sister Melanie, and I are going to check out two!  One is in Azle, TX.  The other is in Colleyville.  They both look AMAZING online, so I will get to see what they look like in person today!  Hopefully if I like one of them enough, I will end up taking Chris to see it, and maybe we can make a final decision!  Pretty much, the only other "planning" I have done for the wedding so far is picking out my bridal party.  I got a great idea from one of my BFF's, Erin.  She is so crappy!  She is probably one of my crappiest friends of all!  (We were in Mrs. Almand's class in 3rd grade together, and on the 1st day of school she was explaining how she does a lot of crafts... and was a very crafty person.... and she hoped we liked crafts too!  Put the word "crap" in every time I used "craft" and that's what Erin had heard that day!  Still HILARIOUS!)  Anyway, I got this super cute idea from her when she got married a few years ago... wow, I can't believe it's been so long! 

I made one of these for everyone in the bridal party: bridesmaids, jr. bridesmaids, maid of honor, groomsmen, best man, flower girl, and ring bearer.  Here are a couple to show you!

My sister, Laura, is going to be my maid of honor!  She had no idea I was asking her and was so surprised, but how could I not?!  She has been my best friend since the day I was born... couldn't think of anyone better to have by my side.  The only problem is that us Holland girls... we cry a lot!  I don't think she will be able to do the whole speech thing at the reception!

Chris chose his friend Rezwan to be his best man.  They have known each other since high school.  I have met him a few times and really like him and his wife, Heidi. 

I guess what I am most excited of all is getting to spend the day with my mom!  I used to work with her, but this past year I had to go to a different school.  It ended up working out great, but I still miss seeing her everyday!  So today is going to be so much fun!  I'll let you know how it goes later!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break of Sewing!

That's what I have decided to call this week.  I decided a couple years ago that I wanted to learn how to sew.  My mom has always known how to... she made her own clothes since she was in junior high!  She always made our dresses growing up too, so I guess I never felt the need to be able to do it on my own when I was younger.  But a couple years ago, I decided it was time.  I mean, I plan on having kids eventually... and it would be nice to be able to make them some of their clothes.  I figure I should learn now so that way they might look half decent by the time I make them for my own kids!  So, a couple Black Fridays ago, I bought myself a sewing machine!  My mom said it was a pretty good one.  It is the project runway edition of the Brother brand.  (If you know anything about sewing machines, you know Brother is a decent brand)  I got it for $50, so I was super excited..... and then it just sat there!  For over a year!  This past summer, I finally decided it was time.  I took my machine over to my mom's house with two patterns already cut out.  They were both the same pattern of a shirt, just different materials.  I made my shirt step-by-step after my mom did each step with the other material.  From there, I have made a couple of things on my own (and just call my mom when I need help!) 

I have decided this Spring Break, I would like to sew an average of one item each day.  I chose a small project today because my day was already pretty busy.   (I got my braces off!)  But, here is what I did.  I bought 1-inch foam from JoAnn's and some pink flannel to cover it in.  I basically made a pillow out of it without the zipper because I don't plan on changing it out.  Here is the bed before the cushion...

I know it is plain.  But, Logan loves her bed!  I just decided I would make it extra comfy.  Here is the finished product...

Crosss your fingers she doesn't eat it!  Ok, time for bed for now... I have a big day of sewing ahead of me tomorrow.  I plan on making myself a robe!

I got it from my mama...

So there are many things I knows do because of my mom... Some are funny... This one I love!

 I AM A COUPONER! I love the feeling of walking into a grocery store and not paying full price. Usually I save around 50%, but sometimes I do better. My goal for the day today was to get caught up on my coupons. I have a system I use. I always buy a double Sunday paper for the coupon inserts which gives me two sets of all the coupons. I usually end up with about 6-8 inserts total because of friends and coworkers that give me their coupons. I cut out and organize the coupons by category. I have over 50 categories that are set up in my binder alphabetically.
I love this binder. 
I have spent countless hours devoting my time to making this binder perfect for me!  Anyway, I needed to catch up on couponing because I had let myself get a little behind.  And, by a little behind... I mean that I had 46 inserts I needed to cut out!
It took me a LONG time to cut them all,but I did it!  One of my favorite Christmas gifts I got this past year was from Chris.  It was a paper cutter!  Not like a scrapbooking paper cutter... but like a legit paper cutter.  It really helps speed up the process of cutting.  I cut them all out, lay them all out by category, then organize them in the binder.  This is what the finished product looks like when it is all done!

All of the above coupons really helped replenish my stack!  It took a long time, my back really hurts (and I even got a massage today!), but I'm glad I finished them!  It's a good feeling to say that I accomplished what was on my to do list for today!  Now, it's time for bed!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

I Finally Did It!!!

My first post! I have thought about creating a blog for quite a while (because I enjoy reading blogs so much!) but just never found the time. Well, I decided to quit making excuses and just go ahead and make one. I have TONS of things on my to do list this week, and I'm starting off my Sunday morning by crossing one thing off! Over the past year, my sister and I have started going to Compass Christian Church because of my cousin Ragan. She married an awesome guy named Cameron who works there. We decided to try it out and loved it! Their main branch is in Colleyville, and we go on Saturday nights. We are at the end of a series now over the 7 deadly sins. Last night, we looked at laziness (or sloth). I plan on really taking this to heart this week because I am on Spring Break at school. I cannot put into words how excited I was to have a week off. I love what I do, don't get me wrong, but a teacher just needs a break every once in a while! So, over this Spring Break, I have a very ambitious to do list... No laziness here at all! So glad to finally have this thing started... I'll let you know how my week of non-laziness goes!