I can't believe I haven't posted since the start of school! I have been SO BUSY! There is just always so much to do at the beginning of the year. My "To Do" list is never-ending. Every time I cross something off I add at least two more things! And yes, a lot of the things on there aren't that important to get done immediately (like alphabetize the 140 lab safety contracts that were turned in and put them in a binder with the alphabet dividers or print the entire copy of the online textbook to have in a binder with all of the attachments separated by dividers) but my OCD self won't let me not do it. I can't even let myself take it off the list for now to get the more important things done. I JUST HAVE TO DO IT ALL!!!!! I have been getting to the school by 6:30 and I have stayed late the past couple of days, but my list is still fills up the page. You know how if you make a to do list you only use half of the page because most of the items are shortened? I made my list and then turned the page upside-down to utilize the other half!
BUT, even with all the things I have to do I have to say that I really have enjoyed the school year so far. Last year was a rough group. They had AT-TI-TUDES! They didn't care about school, only their friends. They were a pretty defiant group. The other teachers couldn't believe how bad they were... but I had seen much worse behavior at my previous school. Still, they were a rough group... no denying it! I am loving my kids this year! All the sixth grade teachers are loving them. I have a few talkative classes, but overall, it is really nice! I guess the trade off of having well-behaved kids is that they are pretty low. I can tell a huge difference especially in my honors class. I am surprised at some of the kids that are labeled as honors. I am hoping they are just rusty from the summer :) I have one boy... we'll call him "D"... that I'm going to have a rough year with. He wasn't put in school until the 4th grade. Then, on top of all of that, he was absent most of his 4th and 5th grade year. He can't read. He doesn't know how to socialize with kids his age. He whines. He is hard to understand. It's sad, but more than anything it's annoying. Why would a parent do that to their child? They must love him so much they want him to live at home for the rest of his life because as of right now he wouldn't survive on his own.
What I find kind of funny is what the 7th grade teachers have to say about our previous students. Ok, not funny... but now they get to see what we dealt with. The teachers literally had problems day one with kids saying stuff like, "You can't tell me what to do." Oh boy... what a year they have in store.
I know I probably didn't mention even a tenth of the things I've done since my last blog, but I need to eat dinner so I can go to bed to get ready for tomorrow!