No, really... I forgot. I haven't made a post in SO long that I just forgot! I remembered about a week ago, and I've been trying to figure out what to share with everyone ever since.
I have been SO busy. I know what you are thinking... wedding planning, right? Not at all! I have so many other things I need to do that I don't have much time to worry about the wedding! Hopefully I will get to that soon. I honestly have so much going on that I have 3 seperate to do lists going on right now. I will break the rest of my post down according to my to do lists!
Wedding: I already said I haven't worried much about the wedding. I feel like I have most of the important stuff picked out. Except flowers. I haven't made a decision on flowers. But, I have the venue... we do need to decide on what kind of food we want though. I have designed a cake, picked a place to do it, and paid for it. I picked my dress out a while ago and it already came in! It fits almost perfectly... as long as I can lose a couple inches on my back (yes... my back) I don't think I will need to get it altered. I have gotten my gifts for all my bridesmaids, my flower girl and ring bearer. I have started picking out stuff to use for center pieces. Chris and I already registered. That was so much fun! More for me than Chris, though. We have dates set for a couple of the showers. Save the dates have been sent (shout out to Pam Leach who took us out for a cold morning of pics to get the perfect save the date!). I guess I will start thinking about invitations soon. We met with our DJ last weekend to start thinking of songs. Honestly, everything that is left are small details. It makes me feel overwhelmed when I think about ALL of the small things, but I will take it one day at a time and get it done. June will be here before I know it!
Home: I have an actual to do list for things I need to do that don't fit into the wedding category and aren't work related. I have been in the process of getting more organized upstairs in the living room that I sort of use as a craft room. Chris calls it a crap room because of all my stuff! We are still making pickles from time to time, but we don't have to as much because we have a decent stash built up already made. I really need to do my taxes. I have put it off because I need to get a copy of my return from last year (its on a computer that doesn't work at the moment), and I need to figure out all of my itworks! stuff. Speaking of itworks!... I want to put more effort into it because I found out they are offering the G.O.O.D bonus again. That stands for get out of debt! If I make it to a certain point (which I am far from) I can get a $10,000 bonus to go towards paying off debt! What an awesome company! I went to an old friend's house last night to wrap her. I had a really good time. It was actually my second time this week to see her. My 10 year high school reunion is coming up this year. So, the class officers got together to start planning, and she was one of them. It was really good to see everyone... I laughed a lot! And we went to I Fratelli, which I don't go to often, so I really enjoyed that. Their chips and dip are A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I didn't think I would be planning my ten year reunion at the same time I was planning my wedding, but I also was voted class officer like 11 years ago! I had no idea what I would be doing in 2013! So, I got to see my friend, Lauren, again last night while I wrapped her. I ended up staying longer than I meant to, which put me right in the middle of traffic (a SHUT DOWN highway) on my way home. It made my trip home (which should have been 20 minutes) turn into a 2 hour trip! I was so exhausted, I was almost falling asleep the whole way home! I cried most of it too. I just felt so helpless! There was NOTHING I could do about the fact that I was traveling at 3 miles per hour!
School: This time of year is crazy busy! I am getting ready for cheerleading tryouts right now. Tryouts are next Wednesday. We actually take every girl that tries out, but we still hold tryouts. I am in the process of trying to get more girls to sign up! We only have 4 that have turned in packets. I am hoping for at least 12! Wish me luck. I also have taken on a HUGE task of filling in for our science department chair while she is out on maternity leave. I was under the impression that all I was required to do was go to 2 district meetings that she would be unable to attend and bring back the info to the department. Saying I was wrong about that is an understatement! I have had to miss a day and a half of school to go to trainings. I have attended 4 meetings. I had to plan out the planetarium field trip for the 8th graders. I had to place our supply order for next year. I am still in the process of getting the 8th grade teachers set on their station reviews for the STAAR test. I was actually given a whole day off to work on this project. It was greatly appreciated, but I still have a lot to do. Next week is the last week of the 6 weeks, and I have a ton of kids failing. That means I will have a ton of kids coming in to make up their grades. I am helping out with Saturday School tomorrow for a teacher that is busy. Oh well, at least I get paid for that!
Anyway, I'm going to do my best to make it through next week. Hopefully I will get some sleep. We are going to Arkansas for a good friends wedding next weekend. Maybe I will get some ideas!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!