On our way home from the river we decided that we were going to try and be healthier. I even decided I am going to run a half marathon. I later decided it would be best to start with a 5k, but I think I will try and work my way up! Anyway, we pass a gym on our way home daily that I wanted to look into. It has this HUGE sign on the front window that says it is only $12 a month with no contract commitment. It looks tiny, but I thought it might be worth a look. When Chris and I went inside I was somewhat surprised. It was a little bigger than thought it would be, and we were told it was a full gym. (I guess that means it has all the machines a full gym would have... just not as many.) They also have a tanning bed and a hydro massage bed. The guy let me try the hydro bed and it was AMAZING! I recently terminated my monthly massages to try and save $80 a month, and I really thought I was going to miss my massages. I might not with this machine. It basically uses water jets to massage you. He told us that a chiropractor said 15 minutes on the hydro bed is basically the same as a 60 minute swedish massage! I haven't tried it for a full 15 minutes yet, but I will let you know how it goes! The "$12 a month" sign is a ploy to get you in there. You had to put $79 down for that plan and you only get to work out 3 days a week... either Monday, Wednesday Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Their next plan was only $15 a month. You had to put $49 down, but you could work out any day of the week. The thing with this plan is the tanning and hydro beds are not included. Their 3rd and final plan is the one we went with. It also required $49 down. It costs the most ($25 a month... which really isn't that bad) but has the best perks. The tanning and hydro bed is included, you can work out any day you want, AND you can bring a guest with you! So, I joined and Chris is my guest EVERY time I go! The only bad thing is he isn't allowed to use either bed and he has to be with me to be able to get in. We might end up getting him his own membership so that Laura can go with us as our guest!
Starting August 1st (the day we joined the gym) we did a really good job of eating right and working out. Our first workout was painful. We only did 20 minutes of cardio and were BEAT, but you have to start slow... right? We didn't go out to eat at all (okay, just subway once) and we worked out like 4 times! Chris even downloaded this app that has programmed workouts on it that we can follow so that we aren't just walking around trying random things. Like, I even lifted some weights. I am SOOOOO weak! It was sad that the 5 and 8 pound dumbbells were heavy, but I have nowhere to go but up! Chris's birthday was last Thursday, August 9, so we cheated over the weekend, but we plan to get right back on track today! I haven't told him that yet, but I am sure he will agree!
His birthday was fun. I got him a Bible with his name engraved on the front, and while I was at it I decided to go ahead and get me one with my future name on it! I knew it was probably a gift that he wouldn't buy for himself but that he would enjoy having. I also got him this really cool speaker. I thought he would LOVE it! Not so much. It is really unique. You plug in your iPhone or whatever and then attach it to pretty much anything. It turns the item you attach it to into the speaker! Like, our kleenex box is a speaker! I was disappointed that he didn't like it as much as I thought he would. I also made him a shutterfly book of some really cute pics of us. It is really sweet. I don't know how to upload the book, but if you ever come to my house you should look at it! Check out the speaker here: http://www.origaudio.com/shop/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=29778
Ok... I know it is early, but it is time to start being productive! This is my last full week of summer. I plan on going up to the school 3 or 4 times this week to start getting my room together and ready for the first week of school. I also want to be productive at home though, so I'm going to go upstairs and do something... not sure what, but something!
Your room looks great!!! I hope it's a good first day!