Monday, March 12, 2012

I got it from my mama...

So there are many things I knows do because of my mom... Some are funny... This one I love!

 I AM A COUPONER! I love the feeling of walking into a grocery store and not paying full price. Usually I save around 50%, but sometimes I do better. My goal for the day today was to get caught up on my coupons. I have a system I use. I always buy a double Sunday paper for the coupon inserts which gives me two sets of all the coupons. I usually end up with about 6-8 inserts total because of friends and coworkers that give me their coupons. I cut out and organize the coupons by category. I have over 50 categories that are set up in my binder alphabetically.
I love this binder. 
I have spent countless hours devoting my time to making this binder perfect for me!  Anyway, I needed to catch up on couponing because I had let myself get a little behind.  And, by a little behind... I mean that I had 46 inserts I needed to cut out!
It took me a LONG time to cut them all,but I did it!  One of my favorite Christmas gifts I got this past year was from Chris.  It was a paper cutter!  Not like a scrapbooking paper cutter... but like a legit paper cutter.  It really helps speed up the process of cutting.  I cut them all out, lay them all out by category, then organize them in the binder.  This is what the finished product looks like when it is all done!

All of the above coupons really helped replenish my stack!  It took a long time, my back really hurts (and I even got a massage today!), but I'm glad I finished them!  It's a good feeling to say that I accomplished what was on my to do list for today!  Now, it's time for bed!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! I hope you got the massage AFTER you cut out 46 inserts. Just reading that makes my back hurt!
