Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break of Sewing!

That's what I have decided to call this week.  I decided a couple years ago that I wanted to learn how to sew.  My mom has always known how to... she made her own clothes since she was in junior high!  She always made our dresses growing up too, so I guess I never felt the need to be able to do it on my own when I was younger.  But a couple years ago, I decided it was time.  I mean, I plan on having kids eventually... and it would be nice to be able to make them some of their clothes.  I figure I should learn now so that way they might look half decent by the time I make them for my own kids!  So, a couple Black Fridays ago, I bought myself a sewing machine!  My mom said it was a pretty good one.  It is the project runway edition of the Brother brand.  (If you know anything about sewing machines, you know Brother is a decent brand)  I got it for $50, so I was super excited..... and then it just sat there!  For over a year!  This past summer, I finally decided it was time.  I took my machine over to my mom's house with two patterns already cut out.  They were both the same pattern of a shirt, just different materials.  I made my shirt step-by-step after my mom did each step with the other material.  From there, I have made a couple of things on my own (and just call my mom when I need help!) 

I have decided this Spring Break, I would like to sew an average of one item each day.  I chose a small project today because my day was already pretty busy.   (I got my braces off!)  But, here is what I did.  I bought 1-inch foam from JoAnn's and some pink flannel to cover it in.  I basically made a pillow out of it without the zipper because I don't plan on changing it out.  Here is the bed before the cushion...

I know it is plain.  But, Logan loves her bed!  I just decided I would make it extra comfy.  Here is the finished product...

Crosss your fingers she doesn't eat it!  Ok, time for bed for now... I have a big day of sewing ahead of me tomorrow.  I plan on making myself a robe!

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